Rotator Cuff (RC) Exercises
These exercises are intended as a progression from the foundational scapular retraction exercises, which need to be understood well before advancing to these exercises for optimal strength results. Whether you are at least 7 to 8 weeks out from your RC surgery and allowed to start strengthening your shoulder by your surgeon, or whether you hope to achieve better shoulder joint stability and range of motion, these exercises are key for good shoulder health and longevity.
Remember your core stabilization preset before every one of these exercises: chin down, shoulders back, squeeze your lemons, and tuck your tail. Breathing should be constant and rhythmic, aiming to put air into your low back.
GOAL Parameters: 1-2 per day. Perform each exercise, each side, for up to 1 minute
1. Shoulder Adduction + front loaded ER (External rotation)
2. Shoulder Adduction + Front press
3. Shoulder ER + Front press
4. Shoulder ER, standard
5. Banded Face pulls
6. Banded low row, open elbows “hug a tree”
7. DB (Dumbbell) Shoulder Empty Can (Scaption)
8. DB Bent over “I,” “Y,” and “Ts”
9. Banded “Ws” (Shoulder ER)
10. RC banded wall walks
11. DB (or kettle bell) Arm Bars