Postural Awareness Training

THE foundation to all things strength related. One cannot safely maintain a static position, let alone move to push or pull against resistance, before having a firm understanding and feel for correct postural alignment. What do I mean when I say, “postural alignment?” I mean the position of all the components of the body—head, shoulders, back, and pelvis—that is most neutral, under the least amount of gravitational strain. When we don’t use our muscles to maintain this neutral alignment, we rest all our weight upon structural tissues, those that were never designed to absorb the kinds of forces that increase strain on tissues like bones, ligaments, and tendons.

Here are the main concepts I teach to all my patients and use for myself to keep my neck, shoulders, and low back feeling strong and healthy. Consider spending 3 minutes a day working intentionally on all these concepts. Then, progress to trying to implement them as you move about your tasks during your day. You’ll be surprised how much better you feel because of your awareness to keep your “core” solid and stabilized.

Wall Angel

Chin Tuck, Scapular depression

Posterior Pelvic Scoop, and Breathe Deep


Strong Feet: Why they matter


Rotator Cuff (RC) Exercises